Nu-Tech Rubbers & Plastics, Chennai, has state-of the-art manufacturing facilities with automatic Hydraulic presses, mixing mills and other necessary machinery to produce quality rubber products.We have well furnished factory of total size 3000 sq. feet.
We have trained manpower and technical executives to make custom made rubber products using quality rubber materials as per our client requirements.
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The first place we visit is the manufacturing facility of the company. The manufacturing facility is the facility where the business builds its products. Another name for this type of facility is an industrial facility. The company has both heavy manufacturing facilities as well as light industrial facilities. It is in the heavy manufacturing facilities that the company makes all of their very large and very bulky items, such as their large-screen televisions. It is in the light industrial facilities that the company makes their small items, such as their glasses with a little computer screen in the corner.
Looking at their facilities, it’s amazing how smoothly everything is working. The company representative tells us that making their own products and keeping their processes smooth are a couple ways they keep prices low and quality high.
Not all businesses are like Make-All Sell-All, though, and the definition of heavy and light manufacturing can vary depending on the company. Looking at other businesses, we see that it is in heavy manufacturing facilities that large, complex items are made. For example, the automotive, heavy equipment, shipbuilding and aircraft industries all require heavy manufacturing facilities. Heavy industrial facilities can also produce materials like refined oil and steel products.
In light industrial facilities, smaller items, such as furniture, clothing, and toiletries, are produced. As mentioned before, the meaning of heavy and light manufacturing can vary greatly depending on the company. While Make-All Sell-All’s heavy manufacturing facility makes things like televisions, the heavy industrial facility down the road makes cars and trucks. In other words, what qualifies as a heavy manufacturing facility in one business might qualify as a light manufacturing facility when compared to other businesses.